Friday, July 29, 2011

Edited through Chapter 8 so far on Kat's book.

So I just finished up the re-writes/edits through chapter 8 of Kat's book. Over 20,000 words. Pretty pleased. Added new scenes and removed others. Made sure Kat and Jon stayed the focus rather than going off into other character's POV. I think that was one of the bigger problems with the original. The first section of the book we got to much info from people other than the hero and heroine. Needed info but it needs to have them involved. So far I have found ways to include them while still sharing needed info. The finding of a letter. Having a friend share info with Jon. It is feeling good to read it. Part of it feels slow but I think that is because I am having to stop and start as I edit. I think the actual reading of it probably goes much faster.

I am feeling good about getting back to it. I have missed it. I let myself get taken over by doubt. As I told J.W. about my thinking for the post-apocalyptic paranormal crime series (PAPC from now on because typing that drives me batty) he just did the husband grunt and nod. I poked him and told him to show some enthusiasm and all he did was laugh and say "About damn time girl." He has never doubted my skill or my potential. I am the one who let myself get mired in the mud. BUT I am refusing to think in a negative way from now on. I am surrounding myself with friends who want to read and support my work. I am bouncing ideas of others. I am going to publish!!

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